Rear of frame with boiler center line wire, tram wires and plumb line to
locate drawbar pin hole.
Photo: Steam
Operations Corporation |
engine truck center casting and pilot beam being moved for fitting to
frame rails and checked for original layout of centerline. This critical
layout will allow the engine truck to run equalized left to right
reducing flange wear and hub liner heating.
Photo: Steam
Operations Corporation |
Ronnie Jones and Tyler Poss moving engine truck center casting into
Photo: Steam
Operations Corporation |
5 inch plate for upper frame rails
Photo: Steam
Operations Corporation |
new cylinders on frame with wires run thru cylinder saddle, valve and
cylinder bores to establish location of cylinders to frame and frame to
Photo: Steam
Operations Corporation |
new cylinders on frame with wires run thru cylinder saddle, valve and
cylinder bores to establish location of cylinders to frame and frame to
Photo: Steam
Operations Corporation |
cylinders on frame with wires run thru cylinder saddle, valve and cylinder
bores to establish location of cylinders to frame and frame to boiler. |
Photo: Steam
Operations Corporation |
Removal of non standard repair shims welded to locomotive buffer chaffing
block to take up lost motion due to wear. Welds were broken and shims were
loose. This will be repaired to correct radius along with repair of
drawbar pin holes and bushings.
Photo: Steam
Operations Corporation |